I'll be here

When the mirror tells us we're older.
because life seems so much lighter with you by my side.
The star seems much brighter and the sky seems closer.
You spread a smile on my lips,and a sarcastic hand on my hip.
You make me realize what I do,what I've done and what I'll do.
With your big heart and your sensibility,made me change who I was.
You made me change to who I wanted to be,who I am now and the person I'll still be.
No matter what they say,no matter what they do they can't break me,and neither you.
We're strong and we give something to each other that no one can give.
Trust,love,family and a hell of a time with laughs.
You've changed,
But I'm so proud of you my friend,my love and almost my sister.
You've become something you thought was impossible,
You've become strong,not just in the gym,but also in your self.
You raise with the sun and laughs with your heart that beats as fast as a colibrie.
And you smile,you love and you learn.
You've learned that you can,if you want,you're as important and beautiful as anyone else.
But there is people who becomes jealous and tried with 'stick's and stone can't break my bones'.
I've learned from you,and you've learned from me,together we make,a hell of a team.
When the mirror tells us we're older.
because life seems so much lighter with you by my side.
The star seems much brighter and the sky seems closer.
You spread a smile on my lips,and a sarcastic hand on my hip.
You make me realize what I do,what I've done and what I'll do.
With your big heart and your sensibility,made me change who I was.
You made me change to who I wanted to be,who I am now and the person I'll still be.
No matter what they say,no matter what they do they can't break me,and neither you.
We're strong and we give something to each other that no one can give.
Trust,love,family and a hell of a time with laughs.
You've changed,
But I'm so proud of you my friend,my love and almost my sister.
You've become something you thought was impossible,
You've become strong,not just in the gym,but also in your self.
You raise with the sun and laughs with your heart that beats as fast as a colibrie.
And you smile,you love and you learn.
You've learned that you can,if you want,you're as important and beautiful as anyone else.
But there is people who becomes jealous and tried with 'stick's and stone can't break my bones'.
I've learned from you,and you've learned from me,together we make,a hell of a team.

Postat av: Den du alltid kan luta dig mot. ♥

Jag känner mig lika osynlig och oälskad för varje dag som går.

Men när jag läser denna text känner jag mig inte längre ensam.

Dagar då jag mår som sämst kan jag läsa denna text och känna att jag i alla fall betyder något för någon.

Inte alltid är jag så snäll eller kärleksfull, kan ryta ifrån och vara elak och dryg.

Men det är aldrig menat som ett dåligt sett när det är mot dig, aldrig menat.

Jag kan älska, lämna, skrika och såra folk.

Men att lämna dig vore som att lämna sig själv, det går inte.

Skrika åt dig går nästan inte att göra längre utan att säga förlåt även när det händer.

Såra dig vore som att krossa sitt egna hjärta, det går inte ens att ens tänka tanken av att såra dig.

Och ingen kärlek kan bli starkare än kärleken till dig från mig...

Vart du en befinner dig och kommer befinna dig, står jag alltid kvar och väntar tills du kommer tillbaks.

För ett liv utan dig, är otänkbart. ♥

Together we make,a hell of a team. ♥

2012-03-26 @ 00:18:59
URL: http://liiiind.blogg.se/

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